11 Homeland Security Spending Spree

11 Homeland Security Spending Spree

On the edge of the Nebraska sand hills is Lake McConaughy, a 22milelong reservoir that in summer becomes a magnet for Winnebagos, fishermen and kite sailors. But officials here in Keith County, population 8,370, imagined this scene: an Al Qaeda sleeper cell hitching explosives onto a ski boat and plowing into the dam at the head of the lake.

The federal Department of Homeland Security gave the county $42,000 to buy stateoftheart dive gear, including fullface masks, underwater lights and radios, and a Zodiac boat with sidescan sonar capable of mapping wide areas of the lake floor. West Virginia charging for $3,000 worth of lapel pins and billing the federal government for thousands of dollars in cellphone charges then they should be made to repay the government back.

And, of course, for every time some one does a terrorist act, America is always behind and then jumping on the bandwagon and throwing money at that particular situation to the exclusion of others.

What is needed is for world security experts to sit down and come up with all possible scenarios and produce worldwide measures that will ensure the safety of all countries.

its past time that we draw a line that realistically reflects sufficient spending for the military and the DHS and what amounts to just ridiculous spending.

Sure we want to spend everything we NEED to http://www.officialbuccaneersfootball.com/Black+Warren+Sapp+Jersey to insure the safety and security or our nation and its citizens BUT there is an enormous gap between being prepared for likely eventualities and almost every last single possible scenario. It seems that in many cases that neighboring communities and municipalities could realistically rely on 'mutual aid' with regard to some of the resources that get deployed rather than trying to fully prepare each and every municipality for numerous eventualities.

Of course the great fear that strikes directly at all politicians regardless of party is that the mere suggestion of reducing funding for DHS or the military is that any and all political opposition immediately starts screaming 'weak on terror' 'weak on defense' 'doesn't care about protecting our citizens' and all the rest of the rhetoric that goes along with these issues.

And Mitchell And Ness Warren Sapp Jersey of course if there were any kind of cuts made and then there were any kind of attack that took place anywhere, anyone who had suggested or actually made any cuts would be strung up from the nearest street lamps even of that which had been cut wouldn't have had any effect on the attack at all.

We need our defenses as any nation does, but nothing says we have to go absolutely crazy about it and spend ourselves broke.

Rural podunk towns applied for and got homeland security money after 9/11. I know, I lived in one that applied for funds and got it. I thought Warren Sapp Jersey it was ridiculous at the time and still feel that way. What they really did with that money I don't have a clue, but no terrorist in his right mind would have stayed in that town, never mind attacking it. As long as the patriot gravy train is flowing people will take advantage of it. It is shameful. Call it a need for homeland security and you had a chance at the free money.

'Tactics' regardless of their strengths always inevitably fail when they are employed under flawed 'Strategy'. As long as US foreign policy places the strategy for protecting American citizens against terrorism as secondary to that policy's primary objective of protecting the status of petrodollars as the 'World's Reserve Currency' by propping up corrupt dictatorships and monarchies which violate the human rights of their own subjects, no degree of expenditure toward tactics at home will eliminate the desires of subjugated peoples toward convincing the US citizenry that we should demand our leadership change its foreign policy as it applies to the injustice inflicted upon them.

Our nation's foreign policy turns a blind eye to Warren Sapp Throwback Jersey regimes which play by the rules of international finance yet subjugate and violate the human rights of people living within such countries which, by official decree, discriminate against gender, religion, race, ethnicity, and even genealogical lineage, yet our nation and its bankstercontrolled allies respond with great alacrity toward any country which might challenge collusionary agreements maintaining the strategy for keeping the status of petrodollars as 'The World's Reserve Currency'.

The greatest insult to our intelligence regarding such policy is the audacity of our leaders in telling us that kinetic military interventions supporting Reserve Currency Strategy are instead missions of humanitarian magnanimity when in fact the crimes against humanity the US itself inflicts are in fact exponentially worse than those of even the most trumped up of allegations against said boogiemen.
